Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Latest and not so Greatest

Not much new to report these days. The information comes in slower and slower. We have extreme ups and downs, sometimes weekly, sometimes daily. As we continue to fumble through this mess, we're not sure where the end of the road lies. But we prod along, and self correct volumes, ratios, and feeds as we see fit in order to prevent Rory from distending to such a point that we end up back in the hospital. So far, so good. But our patience runs thin, and our hopeful expectations run low.

At Rory's last pediatrician visit, they told us she is showing signs of Left Sternocleidomastoid. "Oh no, what now!?!?!" you surely cried in outrage and frustration. Left SCM simply means that she has a tight neck muscle on her left side which causes her to tilt her head to the left. In severe cases (which she is not), a helmet-like contraption is required, along with daily sessions of stretching activities. Two separate stretches, five times a day, three reps each.

Instead of all that, we need to do the stretches twice daily, and see a physical therapist. Frequency unknown at this point. Because of this preferential tilt, she can also start to develop a mis-shapen skull from keeping her head in one position while on her back.

What next?

1 comment:

  1. But God! My oldest son, now 22 had the same problem and they said he may end up with a head shaped like a football because his scull was growing together too soon. God worked and he never needed anything and he is fine. My niece wears a helmet and she sleeps with it as well and they designed it so adorable and she will continue to wear it for 6 more months and she is doing awesome. Be encouraged, God is Still on the throne and He is able! Do not grow weary....Praying for all of you... The Emans
