Halloween 2003. Reese was just 13 months old. Christine and I had our limited Halloween supplies out of the closet, most of which consisted of a Mad Scientist cosutume I'd worn in college. Just for fun, we threw it onto Reese's head and snapped a few photos. This picture remains as one of my favorite photo's of my son's early years. The best part about the picture was how his 13-month old head almost completely filled out the adult wig.
Flash forward to Halloween 2004. We were now the proud parents of two - one toddler, and one 9-month old. Halloween box was out of the closet again, and Riley joined the 'Mad Scientist' club. Note how the 9-month-old's head almost fills the entire wig.
Halloween 2011. Seven more years have passed. The Mad Scientist wig, still clinging to life, continues to be a Halloween staple in our household. Our newest edition has some room to grow before filling out that wig, but she wasn't quite 5 months old yet, so it really isn't a fair comparison.
The once proud Mad Scientist wig isn't doing so good these days. It's previously perky quaff is looking a little wilted and frayed. But it still makes us laugh when donned by a baby. I wonder if it will last until our first grandchild is born?
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